1) Shelter (from wind, rain, snow, and sun):

  • Offers enough shelter for all the chickens to find protection from rain and snow.

  • Should be closed off on the windy and cold side.

  • Provides shade from the sun.

  • Supplemental heat or insulation isn’t necessary for US Hardiness zones three and above (if you have a winter hardy breed).

  • Remember, heat brings moisture and moisture hosts disease and mold.

2) Adequate Sunlight:

  • Housing openings should face the sunny side.

  • You can opt for 25% of the roof to be open as long as the sheltered area is large enough for all the birds to find refuge from the rain/snow if needed.

  • Open up the front of your housing as much as possible to capture all the light and fresh air.  Many great housing set-ups are 100% open in the front.

3) Proper Ventilation:

  • Install ventilation above where the chickens roost at night.

  • Protect your chickens from driving wind and rain.  You can’t have too much ventilation.

  • Cold moving air (not rushing winds) is a good thing during the winter as it draws the moisture out, preventing frostbite.

4) Predator Protection:

  • No more than one inch gaps anywhere.

  • Housing door should be opened in the morning and closed at night to prevent predators unless you have a reliable predator-proof fencing system.

  • Chicken wire or wire mesh should be used over open areas.

5) Multi-Purpose Everything

  • Swivel bar is also the nest blocker.

  • Pull Bar is also the roof prop.

  • Nesting Boxes are also the egg and broody hen transporters.

  • The perches are also the floor.

  • The coop is mobile allowing it to be used for more than just housing.

  • The door is also the ramp.

  • The roof is also an access and a sun reflector (or collector).