Build the Chicken Tractor if…
You need to confine a small flock (4 or less)
Small backyard
Not enough room for a poultry net
Can’t afford a poultry net
If you have 12 chickens or less
Open the door and let them free range or confine them with netting
If you want a chick transition area
If you want a chicken tractor for the garden
If you want to use it to grow 17 or less broilers
Build the Pastured Poultry Pen…
If you want to grow 18 to 75 broilers
If you want to tractor 20 birds or less (not using electric net)
Build the A-frame if…
12 to 36 birds and you don’t have wild terrain or long distances
If you want the option to use it as a tractor
If you want to integrate very small birds (ie mama and day old chicks)
Build the ChickShaw if…
If you want the easiest option to move 12-60 birds
If you need to move over wild terrain (pasture)
Don’t want the chicken tractor effect
Build the Static Coop if…
If you’re looking to make compost (compost run or deep litter)
If your space is limited to mobility.
If you have a lot of birds in one area (1 per 3 square foot)