Build the Chicken Tractor if…

  • You need to confine a small flock (4 or less)

  • Small backyard

  • Not enough room for a poultry net

  • Can’t afford a poultry net

  • If you have 12 chickens or less

  • Open the door and let them free range or confine them with netting

  • If you want a chick transition area

  • If you want a chicken tractor for the garden

  • If you want to use it to grow 17 or less broilers

Build the Pastured Poultry Pen…

  • If you want to grow 18 to 75 broilers

  • If you want to tractor 20 birds or less (not using electric net)

Build the A-frame if…

  • 12 to 36 birds and you don’t have wild terrain or long distances

  • If you want the option to use it as a tractor

  • If you want to integrate very small birds (ie mama and day old chicks)

Build the ChickShaw if…

  • If you want the easiest option to move 12-60 birds

  • If you need to move over wild terrain (pasture)

  • Don’t want the chicken tractor effect

Build the Static Coop if…

  • If you’re looking to make compost (compost run or deep litter)

  • If your space is limited to mobility.

  • If you have a lot of birds in one area (1 per 3 square foot)